The AI immune system

We are helping organizations accelerate their data operations and improve human values in AI

How protective is the immune system of your organization?

We are helping organizations with the immune system needed to ask better questions and make better decisions based on open governance, responsibility, and collaboration so they can break the barriers to scale.

The Wild platform provides organizations with built-in, real-time, data-driven tools to understand and ask better questions, build and operate accordingly, and scale in complex environments.

The future-proof enterprise

Wild Bench: understand and ask better questions

Wild Bench helps organizations uncover hidden risks across their network in real-time. Our platform uses artificial intelligence to identify model vulnerabilities and unintended behaviors automatically.

Wild Scope Progress

Wild Scope: build and operate accordingly

Organizations can now build on top of their internal knowledge base and make more informed, data-driven decisions when integrating the latest AI technologies into their operations.

AI Risk Center

Wild Scale…in complex environments

The Wild Intelligence platform supports organizations in building a future-proof workforce that deploys confidence and safety. It helps organizations gain a competitive edge by using research to tackle intricate problems, optimize processes, uncover hidden patterns, and automate tasks.

Immunity Status

See what Wild Intelligence can do for you

  • Wild’s immune system combines a range of practices and advanced tools to protect technological and cultural applications and services to make them more resilient so that they recover quickly from failures and be ready to respond whenever required.

  • Wild Intelligence’s platform proposes risk assessment capabilities across monitoring, validation, and reporting, helping organizations improve their decision-making processes based on open-source tools and collective action.

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  • Our proactive machine learning model monitoring platform offers organizations the confidence that their AI deployments are performing as expected and the peace of mind to catch and fix issues before they impact business operations or cause any system harm.

  • Wild’s open-source evaluation product enables organizations to set up a data flywheel early, allowing teams to remain nimble and make more informed, data-driven decisions by comparing different LLM options.

  • Our platform works seamlessly with all leading data science and MLOps tools, including Databricks, Amazon SageMaker, TensorFlow, PyTorch, SingleStore, and Salesforce.

  • Wild allows for real-time, seamless collaboration across business units (executions, operations) based on a centralized performance dashboard, analytics, alerts, and fully customizable permissions.

We provide organizations with the competitive edge tools needed to ask better questions and make better decisions, based on open governance, responsibility and collaboration so they can break the barriers to scale.

Ready to start?

Wild Intelligence provides the immune solution to empower AI systems. Our mission is to positively impact the next generation of enterprises, pioneering meaningful change across industries for humanity.